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India has the most significant craft Tradition continue to reflect diverse regional and socio-cultural profiles of our country. The sector has remarkable contribution to the Indian economy. The tradition of Craft practices in India continues to reflect the diverse regional and socio-cultural profiles of our country. It is an important part of our living material culture.

International Centre for Indian Crafts (ICIC) at NID is a set up with the primary aim to effectively understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats of a particular crafts sector in its local context. Apply NID’s Trans-disciplinary design expertise and knowledge to bridge the gaps through a local global approach. The unique approach is to develop a national and international network for Crafts Design Research, Training and Knowledge Dissemination for providing collaborative and sustainable linkages to the Indian crafts sector.


International Centre for Indian Crafts (ICIC)
Email: icic[at]nid[dot]edu
Phone: +91 79 23265 512

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