YD 07

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Ranjit Dahiya

Ranjit Dahiya
Graphic Design > PGDPD

Co Design, New Delhi

Immanuel Suresh


dentity Design for Sadhu Vaswani Museum ‘Dada Darshan,’ Pune

dentity Design for Sadhu Vaswani Museum ‘Dada Darshan,’ Pune

The task assigned to me was handling the visual identity for an exhibition design company AB Design Habit who were designing a biographical museum on the spiritual leader Sadhu T.L. Vaswani called ‘Dada Darshan’ located in the campus of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission.

The Mission then was the real client of the created visual identity. But AB Design Habit was in the process of creating the space and experience of Dada Darshan and would be the real user of my identity in their applications. Did my visual identity have to cater to AB Design habit and their brief, or to the Mission? The Mission itself did not have any visual identity, so what was the need for a visual identity for the museum?

These were the many questions that plagued me at the beginning of the project. I needed to understand the real need of an identity for such a space and the value that I would bring as a designer.

The Dada Darshan is a biographical, experiential museum. With good visual identity, the museum no longer became just an experience in time, but was elevated to the status of ‘Dada Darshan’ which now has the possibility of existing independently as a brand.

A visual identity ties its various experiences together to create a memorable experience with its subliminal messages and its recall value. It promotes and creates the opportunity for various applications, displays, promotion and merchandising which makes Dada Darshan more than just a museum space to its visitors.

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